Friday, April 13, 2012

Why it is important that I support Gay Rights

This is something that I have felt strongly about since the 2004 election, (my first time voting), where, (to my eternal shame) I voted for Bush, however, I opposed the proposition that homosexual partners should not be allowed to get married. This seems like common sense to me. Sure, at the time I had not given it much thought to how it would incorporate into my religious views, but I did not see how it could go against them, either, because of some simple truths I firmly believed in.

1. We are all Gods children and he loves us
2. Regardless of religious beliefs we should not force those who believe differently to adhere to our belief systems.
3. All people should have the same and equal privileges regardless or race, religion, or sexual preference.
4. This is not a religious issue. (Maybe the method of how they are married, but not the actual union of two people who love each other and the rights grated at such a union).

Now, 8 years later, I still believe those same things, but more fully, with greater conviction and greater understanding. When you get down to the heart of the matter, it isn't about what religion you belong to, how you feel about statistics dealing with homosexuals and sex or AIDS, but it comes down to freedom, acceptance and love.

What does freedom mean to you? How far are we to believe in freedom? I definitely think there are boundaries. Anarchy seems pretty ridiculous to me. But what about basic rights. Rights to live and love and make the best of our lives and the lives around us? Should those be given to anyone who wishes them? I definitely think so.

But why is it important that I support it? Actively support it, I mean. Well, I think that it is one thing to have homosexual individuals to fight for their rights. We saw this in the civil rights movement. However, it is important that people understand that there are many people, many heterosexual people (like myself) who are standing up for other peoples rights. During the civil rights movements there were many white people who marched with those blacks who were fighting hard for their rights. We need friendly relations, between those who have different views. A catalyst, if you will.

I talk about this with everyone and have no shame in it. I SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE. Everyone needs to know it, and those who agree need to proclaim it along with me. And those who don't are more likely to listen to someone who is straight. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. When I talk about it, and people understand that I am married to a beautiful woman and have two wonderful kids, it forces them to question why someone, who it would not really effect, would be so adamant about it; someone who is a Mormon and who loves their God would go against the general Mormon thought and proclaim that Gay's and Lesbians should be married. And if you ask me, I will tell you my opinions on the churches general standing. And I will tell you how those who say we should fight against it are wrong. Because they are wrong.

And when you find your way through all of the haze and confusion of religious influence on this issue, and realize that that is not the important part of the issue, and understand that we cannot base our country on religious beliefs but on moral and ethical guidance and action, you will see that all people should be able to marry and have the same rights, regardless of their race, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation.


  1. You know I stand with you on this. And don't worry, to my shame I supported Bush in the 2000 election.

  2. Glad to hear I'm not alone in my mistake. And I'm glad I have a friend I can talk about this stuff with. For believing (...or not, haha) so differently, we really are a lot alike.

  3. I agree with you too about this. As far as elections go, who I vote for is all about my priorities. Which candidate's top political priorities seem to be most in line with my top political priorities that I think will better America.

    At this point in my life, I admit that although supporting gay marriage is a priority of mine, it isn't in the top two. Naturally, my priorities will change and shift around, but right now I have a couple other things that I feel more passionately about.

    While I'm at it, :) I think the majority of the country also supports gay marriage and I don't think they are really discriminated against in GENERAL (minus marriage obviously). But maybe that's just me in my la la land of having mostly open-minded friends and family around me who also support gay marriage.

    And I have hope their rights to marry will come very soon.

    Phew! I never even right this much in my own posts, let alone comments. So long winded, yikes!
